Managing Director:
Steven M. J. Goodwin
Post Graduate Diploma in Arbitration (DipArb)
Diploma in Quantity Surveying (DipSurv)
HNC Quantity Surveying
OND – Business Studies
Prof. Membership:
Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (MCIArb)
Chartered Institute of Civil Engineering Surveyors (MCInstCES)
Society of Construction Law
Committee Membership:
Commercial Management Practices Committee (CMPC) Member
Steve has worked as a commercial consultant for over 30 years and is a founding partner of GVE Commercial Solutions offering a range of commercial services to contractors and specialist subcontractors within the UK construction industry. He is an NEC advisor/trainer, expert practitioner, contract claims specialist and is the commercial lead for his clients in adjudication management and commercial/risk management.
He has worked on a wide range of projects requiring legal interpretation including acting as an advocate witness, preparation of adjudication submissions, examination of detailed claim documentation and production of bespoke contract suites containing main and subcontracts.
He is an NEC specialist having authored numerous published articles in the NEC newsletter and other recognised publications. He has also co-authored articles with solicitor practitioners and other organisations such as the Met Office.
In addition, he has worked as commercial manager responsible for the financial control of a South East-based specialist engineering company as well as taking the commercial lead for his clients at GVE.
Specialties: dispute resolution, claims, adjudication management, expert advocate work, training, rail and road, piling, building, frameworks, steel, energy and utilities, international work and marine, ports & waterways.
Project Highlights | Commercial Management and Consultation; Dispute Prevention and Resolution; Adjudication Management
Managing Director, GVE Commercial Solutions Limited (2005 – current)
DDS Demolition Ltd
Contract advice and NEC expertise.
Newton & Frost Fencing Ltd
Various commercial and contractual support; NEC training workshops.
Gallagher Group
Commercial and contractual support; dispute resolution; pre-contract advice.
Highway Care Ltd
Training and various
Commercial and contractual support; NEC training workshops.
Amaro Signalling Ltd
NEC training workshop.
Kilnbridge Construction Services Ltd
Commercial and contractual support; NEC training workshops.
Fuse Rail Ltd
Commercial and contractual support; NEC training workshops.
McNealy Brown Ltd
Training and various
Commercial support; NEC training workshops; dispute avoidance.
Honeywell Building Solutions Ltd
Holland Park Villas
Final Account and adjudication support; loss and expense claim; expert quantum report - working alongside Howard Kennedy LLP.
Bouygues UK Ltd
A14 Communications and Lighting Works
NEC3 project - advice and guidance.
G&H Engineering Ltd
Commercial support; dispute avoidance; reviewing contracts and NEC training workshops; adjudication management and litigation preparation - working alongside Howard Kennedy LLP.
Barhale Ltd
Dispute work
Adjudication support; production of expert reports - working alongside Fenwick Elliott LLP.
Dispute avoidance work.
C A Blackwell
Southall Waterside
Claims and programming management; adjudication support - working with Womble Bond Dickinson LLP.
K&N Surfacing Ltd
Commercial support - draft a new set of terms and conditions.
Carbon Dynamics (CLDB) Ltd
Dyson Pods
Contractual advice (NEC3); advice on heavily amended NEC3 terms and conditions.
McNealy Brown Ltd
Volker Stevin dispute
Dispute avoidance (NEC3); negotiated settlement with contractor.
Focus Paving Ltd
Kings Crescent, Hackney
Commercial consultant; preparation of final account; dispute avoidance - working with Fenwick Elliott LLP.
Enzen Global Ltd
Eight 2O Package 6
Review contract (NEC3); advice on terms and conditions.
Jackson Civil Engineering
Dover Harbour Board
Dispute management (NEC3); resolve statement between contractor and employer.
Fayat Piling Ltd
UCLH London
Commercial consultant; £8m piling project (piles and diaphragm wall); daily NEC management and dispute avoidance with Fenwick Elliott LLP.
Blu-3 Ltd
Commercial consultant; NEC advice and dispute avoidance; drafting new/bespoke subcontract form.
Kier Group
Adjudication forum held jointly with Tony Bingham.
Kier Group
Nationwide five-year training plan to 2020; NEC.
Oakes Ground Engineering
Bristol Parkway
Adjudications (5no), preparation of adjudication documents and adjudication management; non-payment of account (NEC) circa £2m.
J Murphy & Sons Ltd
Welsh Water
Commercial consultant: £0.5m compensation event: physical/ ground/ biological conditions, contractual difficulties, parties amended NEC standard terms.
Care Home, Coventry
Commercial consultant; JCT, subcontractor termination, extension of time v LAD’s, successfully settled pre-adjudication.
Costain Abu Dhabi
Das Island
Commercial consultant; preparation of extension of time/loss and expense claim and advice on strategy for recovery of sums due.
Jacal Construction
Olympic Park, Basketball Arena
Adjudication; preparation of adjudication documents and adjudication management to a successful conclusion, Local Democracy Act and non-payment of invoices - working with Laytons Solicitors LLP.
Byrne Brothers Ltd
Hammersmith LUL
Commercial management and adjudication; retrospective analysis of time and money claims on NEC3 project, management of subcontractor account, 3 No adjudications administered with Fenwick Elliott LLP.
4Delivery Ltd
Ashford Sludge Treatment Centre
Commercial management and adjudication; financial assessment of subcontractor’s claims, auditing of open book contract documentation, claim evaluation and risk analysis, negotiation and settlement of variations and extensions of time claims, preparation of adjudication submissions and response documentation, strategic dispute avoidance and mitigation measures - working with Addleshaw Goddard LLP.
Olympic Park
Commercial consultant; advice and assistance in the pursuit of extension of time and variation claims against the client.
Pararail Ltd
Stations & Depots Dilapidations Project
Commercial management and adjudication: management of commercial team following ‘at will’ termination of the contractor; final account procedure following termination; consultation advice and management of dispute resolution through adjudication; including appointment of legal representation; member of the creditors committee during liquidation proceedings - working with Addleshaw Goddard LLP.
Project Chile LNG Terminal
Commercial consultant: evaluation of subcontractor’s large scale marine variations including off-shore piling; jetty superstructure and pipelines; visit to site in Chile to attend site meetings with subcontractor and carry out forensic investigation.
Birse Civils Ltd
A228 Leybourne and West Malling Bypass
Commercial management; procurement of subcontractors and drafting subcontract documents; package management; submission of compensation events to client and change management.
Ernst & Young
Administration of Dew Construction (in receivership)
Commercial consultant: production of documentation for future adjudication proceedings; appointment by DLA Piper solicitors on behalf of Ernst & Young to provide advocate expert evidence in a dispute with architect and insurance company over negligent design; finalised remaining Dew Construction projects and interests on behalf of the appointed administrator.
Dockguard Ltd
Fujuirah Marine Port, Dubai
Commercial management: negotiation of claims on a large marine contract; liaison with UK based solicitors on behalf of client; production of an arbitration plan involving attending meetings in both the UK and Dubai offices.
May Gurney
East Sussex County Council
Analysis of financial data to compare yearly cost/value returns culminating in a report containing recommendations for future planning of works with best value subcontractors.