Associate Director:
Andrew Wooldridge-Irving
BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying
Prof. Membership:
Association of Cost Engineers (MACostE)
Andrew is an NEC expert practitioner with over 30 years’ experience in the construction industry
working on major transportation and civil engineering projects spanning rail, HV distribution
and highways mostly using the NEC forms of contract.
Andrew has extensive pre and post contract management experience of projects across varied
sectors, most recently railway engineering and power transmission with particular expertise in
contract management using the NEC.
Andrew's NEC expertise is reflected in both his contribution to online forums and writing
published articles for sector-specific press and publications. He has also presented at industry
events as an expert speaker on the NEC suite of contracts and other related topics.
Andrew is the head of GVE’s training division and uses his knowledge and experience of the NEC
suite of contracts to provide internal training (on areas such as secondary options) and
external training to GVE’s contractor and specialist subcontractor clients. Andrew is the host of
our new series of NEC training webinars.
Specialties: contract management, commercial management, cost management, claims management, dispute resolution and adjudication, quantity surveying, NEC training, rail and road, energy and utilities, building.
Project Highlights | Commercial Management and Consultation; Contract Management; Cost Management
GVE Commercial Solutions Limited
Associate Director (2021 – Present)
Consultant Surveyor (2018 – 2021)
Highways England Area 4 and 12 Asset Support Framework
Providing commercial services to facilitate the management and administration of the financial and commercial procedures under the framework contract.
Highway Care
NEC3 ECS Presentation
Overview of the contract and changes between NEC3 and NEC4
Southend University Hospital
Review of heavily amended NEC3 ECSS form of contract
Maxwell's Farm
Review of amended JCT 2016 Design and Build form of contract
Amaro Signalling
NEC3 ECS Presentation
Overview of the contract with particular focus on the early warning and compensation event procedures
McNealey Brown Ltd
NEC3 ECS Presentation
Joint training session with particular focus on the compensation event procedure.
Ainsworth Civils & Engineering Ltd
Eastwick Bridge
Providing commercial advice on compensation events and treatment of specific cost components.
Ainsworth Civils & Engineering Ltd
Forder Valley
Review of contract documentation and production of commercial risks and issues register.
Sir Robert McAlpine
Introduction to the JCT 2016 Design & Build Contract
Presenting an overview of the JCT D&B contract to an audience of c20 people.
Introduction to NEC3 ECS Contract Presentation
Preparation of a standard presentation and notes for use in client training.
Introduction to NEC4 Presentation
Preparation of a standard presentation and notes for use in client training.
C A Blackwell (Contracts) Ltd
Southall Waterside
Dispute with the client. Review of all project costs to produce a week-by-week analysis for use in prolongation and disruption assessments.
NEC4 Alliance Contract
Preparation and delivery of presentation in conjunction with Jeffrey Brown of Veale Wasborough Vizards LLP at a breakfast seminar in their London Office.
Ainsworth Civils & Engineering Ltd
La Fontaine Academy
Review of contract documentation and production of commercial risks and issues register.
Waycon Precast Ltd
Yeovil Hospital Car Park
Dispute with main contractor. Review of contract documentation and preparation of detailed report to provide independent opinion of disputed commercial issues.
C A Blackwell (Contracts) Ltd
Southall Waterside
Dispute with a major subcontractor. Review of contract documentation and presentation into flow chart format, review of bill of quantities, drawings and progress documentation to assess and recommend the payment amount due.
Focus Paving Ltd
King's Crescent, Hackney
Leading a small team in the preparation of claims and presentation of disputed matters for referral to adjudication.
Commercial Director, AJC Construction (2008 – 2018)
Senior Quantity Surveyor, ABB Ltd
Upgrade works on National Grid substations in the south east. I am PERSON and BESC: (Access Movement & Egress - Substations) qualified. A new industry but with significant commonalities, including forms of contract.
Commercial Manager, London Underground Ltd
Managing all commercial and contractual issues on the Victoria Station Upgrade project, with particular responsibility for the Paid Area Links works (Tunnelling and Ground Treatment).
Commercial Manager, London Underground Ltd
Managing all commercial issues with the power upgrades programme as part of the SSR infrastructure renewals programme.
Subcontract Manager, Thales RSS Ltd
Full re-signalling of the Jubilee and Northern Lines on the London Underground network, with particular responsibility for the signalling application design services. Conditions of Contract: NEC2 Professional Services Contract with Main Option A. Value: £11m.
Post contract administration of the signalling application design services which were undertaken in India, including interface with signalling engineers to ascertain value of work done and scope and value of changes to design.
Commercial Manager, London Underground
LUL - Cooling the Tube Project. Full pre and post contract services for the Mid Tunnel Ventilation shaft refurbishment works, let under an amended NEC3 ECC with Main Option C.
Commercial Manager/ Managing Surveyor, Atkins Faithful & Gould Ltd
Commercial Manager working initially on the Metronet Stations modernisation, enhancement and refurbishment programme, then subsequently on the DLR 3 car capacity enhancement project.
Senior Quantity Surveyor, Berkley Consulting
Metronet SSL - Track Replacement Project
Contract and commercial management of the replacement of approximately 100km of ballasted trackwork and 98 Switch & Crossing units.
Infraco/Metronet SSL - Capability Upgrade Project
Contract and commercial management for the provision of new Trains and Signalling System, including the refurbishment of existing District Line trains and maintenance services for both the existing and new rolling stock.
Infraco SSL - Bridge Strengthening Works
Pre and post contract commercial management using NEC2 ECC with Main Option D.
Infraco SSL - Tunnel Strengthening and Track & Drainage Replacement Works
Post contract administration for a project carrying out major structural repairs and strengthening works to a covered way section of the District Line.
Project Surveyor, Capita Beard Dove